Letter: Playhouse future: ‘Time to step up, not stand down’

To the editor:

There has been much discussion lately about the need for fundraising at the Playhouse. I’d like to share with you some important facts.

Nationwide, you can find many reports on the subject of funding in nonprofit theaters. Here’s one: tcg.org/pdfs/tools/TCG_TheatreFacts_2015.pdf. They all point to the fact that nonprofit theaters on average earn about 50 to 60 percent of their needed income. That means that raising money from donors for operating expenses is part of every year of their existence. Sustainability without fundraising is not possible.

2. The Playhouse is a 501c3 organization (nonprofit) and donations are tax-deductible.

3. As the entertainment scene in Brown County has changed drastically in the last year, the Playhouse is in the midst of redefining our mission. We feel very excited to be moving towards offering more plays via our community theater program, Theatre Brown County. This does take some time to pull off. Look for two community-based plays to be presented next year with more on the schedule for 2021.

4. The question remains, is the community willing to annually support our historic theater in the heart of Brown County? My belief is that the answer is yes. I will step up to help the Playhouse weather this change. As it takes all of us, I ask you to join me. Thank you to those who have already stepped up!

5. I have been involved with other organizations that have struggled for their existence. It is not uncommon! When that happens, it is time to step up, not stand down. Faith in our ability to make it work is the secret sauce for survival.

6. Donations can be made on our website, browncountyplayhouse.org, or our address is P.O. Box 2011, Nashville, IN 47448.

Kathy Anderson, Playhouse board member; Indiana Arts Commission member; member of Americans for the Arts

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