Letter: Come to the Lake Monroe community forum

To the editor:

Sometimes our attendance and opinions are not only solicited but maybe required on important matters affecting the quality of something dear we all hold in common.

The Friends of Lake Monroe (FLM) has been awarded a grant to develop a comprehensive watershed management plan and the group is asking for your opinion. After all these years and no plan to protect and safeguard public drinking water in Lake Monroe, we’re happy to support FLM in creating a management plan.

The League of Women Voters of Brown County and the Bloomington-Monroe League are partnering with FLM to sponsor a public forum, hoping to get your ideas. Over 50 percent of the watershed that feeds Lake Monroe lies in Brown County. What we do matters to folks downstream, and we are all downstream these days.

The forum will be Tuesday, Jan. 14 from 6:45 to 8:30 p.m. at the Brown County Public Library.

Come and participate in the public forum which will be broken down into smaller discussion groups. Who knows, we all may learn something new.

For more information, see http://www.lwvbrowncounty.org.

Hope to see you there.

Pam Raider, Brown County

Send letters to [email protected] by noon Thursday before the date of intended publication (noon Wednesday on holiday weeks, unless Wednesday is the holiday, then it’s noon Tuesday). Letters are the opinions of the writer. Letters must be signed by the author and include the writer’s town of residence and a contact number in case of questions.

Only one letter every two weeks, per writer, to allow for diversity of voices in the opinions section. Please be considerate of sharing space with other letter-writers and keep your comments concise and to the point. Avoid name-calling, accusations of criminal activity and second- and third-hand statements of “fact.”