Letter: What about the turn lane idea at Hawthorne Drive?

To the editor:

I believe the Town of Nashville was the party responsible for repaving Hawthorne Drive, and it is a wonderful job. However, I am wondering why they did not pave on the east side about 3 more feet at the stoplight at State Road 46 to incorporate a right turn lane? Many times folks are in the McDonald’s exit lane waiting and it will be backed up several cars on Hawthorne Drive.

If a designated right turn lane had been included with this paving job, the traffic on Hawthorne wanting to make a right turn on red could help clear out the backup. And, those who do turn right on red, drive through the grass and mud leaving an ugly mess at this intersection.

Is it too late to make this improvement near a growing area of our town?

Marylin Day, Brown County

Editor’s note: I talked with Utilities Coordinator Sean Cassiday about this last week. He said the town has the permit to do this project, but it didn’t receive state Community Crossings funding to do it last year. He’s going to resubmit the project for state funding this year.

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