Letter: President Trump deserves ‘our respect and support’

To the editor:

Almost weekly under your “Democrat” banner we are subjected to the tired, mindless liberal tirades listing endlessly the perceived and imagined sins and transgressions of our duly elected President DONALD J TRUMP. Of course we all know his “original sin” was running against Hillary and then (OMG) winning the election. Absolutely unacceptable, unforgivable! The liberals/socialists since then have literally made themselves sick to the point of insanity trying to overturn that election by all means fair and foul without success.

President TRUMP, a very successful businessman, has succeed in invigorating the economy where folks have jobs and money to make their own choices without “government aid and supervision.” He has no use for bloated, self-serving bureaucratic institutions that are not honestly responsive to the legitimate requirements of the “citizens” of this great nation alone, and says so in direct, entertaining ways. He is as “American” as you can get! He deserves our respect and support of all patriots!

J L Kipp, Gnaw Bone