Letter: Health department shares tips to avoid illness

To the editor:

On behalf of the Brown County Health Department, we want to assure the public there is a process locally in place for COVID-19 (coronavirus). Any changes in our protocol will be sent down from the state department of health and we will act upon them.

We are monitoring the status of the COVID-19 virus frequently throughout the day and attend weekly webinar meetings led by Indiana State Department of Health staff.

Steps everyone should take now are:

1. Perform handwashing hygiene using the 20-second rule of washing with soap and running lukewarm water, OR use an alcohol-based hand rub, before and after you eat; avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth; and maintain social distancing at least 3 feet between yourself and someone that is sneezing or coughing. Have hand sanitizer readily available for these instances.

2. Contact your physician early if you or someone in your family develops a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or respiratory symptoms, and tell your provider of any recent travel or contact with travelers.

3. Use cough etiquette when sneezing, such as into the elbow when tissues are not readily available, and wash hands immediately after, or use an alcohol-based hand rub.

4. Perform aerosol-generating procedures in your home and environments with disinfecting sprays.

5. Stay at home if you feel sick, even with mild symptoms such as headache and slight runny nose, until you recover. Avoiding contact with others and avoiding visits to medical facilities will allow these facilities to operate more effectively and help protect you and others.

For questions, concerns or updates, please call the Brown County Health Department at 812-988-2255 or the Indiana State Department of Health at 317-233-7125, or visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) at www.cdc.gov.

Dr. Norman Oestrike, MD, Brown County health officer