Letter: On ‘outsiders’ coming to Brown County State Park

To the editor:

In response to Diana Biddle and others who are calling on the governor to close Brown County State Park, I would certainly like to respond.

Brown County State Park is a “state” park for all Indiana residents and visitors from other states. While none of us want to see the spread of this virus, closing the park is ludicrous.

Many of the people who live in Brown County work in other locations in this state outside of the county. Should we tell them they cannot leave the county? And how many of them come to Columbus, Bloomington and Franklin to shop at Sam’s Club, Walmart and other stores? So it’s OK to leave Brown County, but no one else can go there?

How hypocritical for a community that survives on people coming to that community to spend money so store owners, gas stations, brew pubs, etc. can make a living.

To Diana Biddle and other hypocrites in Brown County that want to close the park to “outsiders,” I, for one, will not forget when this is over, where I will visit and spend my money.

Gary W. Brown, Columbus (ancestral Brown County native)

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