Letter: Thankful for connections, but keep checking in

To the editor:

As we begin the slow process of reopening and returning to a “normal” we all took for granted, I hope we can all take a moment to reflect on how blessed we are to have tools that can keep us connected to our friends, family, and community.

Over the past several weeks, as a pastor and a school principal, I have been consistently amazed by how quickly the communities that matter most to me — our congregation, students and educators — have adapted to platforms from Google, Zoom and others to support our important work, whether in classroom education or strengthening relationships with Jesus Christ.

While I know we all earnestly await the day we can return to our normal routines — school, work and worshiping together — we are truly blessed to live in a society that has fostered these kinds of tools, that no one need be alone. I hear stories weekly of how these interactions are giving many in our area the strength to carry on through these uncertain times.

But even as we connect digitally, it is important that we remember those in our community who may not have access to these tools. Keep them in mind, pick up the phone, ensure they are well. When we return to normal, I pray we never take our shared community and connection for granted ever again.

Robert Akers, pastor of Landmark Church and principal of Covenant Christian School in Bloomington (submitted by Nicole Burton, RunSwitch PR)