Letter: We can all push on and ‘make the best better’

To the editor:

This time of year is traditionally full of preparations for family vacations, graduation ceremonies, and Brown County 4-H’ers buckling down on their projects before the much anticipated fair. Still, this year, the normal activities of summer for many look incredibly different. The year 2020 is one that many will never forget as we have seen social boundaries change and hygienic measures differ in just the past six months.

As this occurs, many are finding a new way of “normal” life and discovering how difficult it truly is to keep ourselves wholly isolated and 6 feet apart from ones that we love dearly. Healthcare services limiting visitations and business restricting seating are just some of the new “normal” people are adjusting to in the world.

As several of us were looking forward to the variety of the spring and summer festivities in the county, we all felt a considerable heartbreak when the word “CANCELED” was branded across the desired event. Still, even in this time of uncertainty, many find themselves reaching new heights of achievements and discovering ways to spread joy among themselves and others during it all.

Although the world is not very bright right now, the county, local communities and every person in every house will find this time of being at home to become a better version of themselves. I hope that everyone will find something that will inspire them to learn, interact (safely) with others, and, most importantly, find the value in those precious moments.

An excellent way for many of us to support the town of Nashville currently is to support the local businesses that have staked their claim in our community, or encourage and thank our brave men and women that work in our law enforcement, fire departments and EMS services. Many camps, festivals, and gatherings have moved to a virtual format, and it is a great way to involve yourself in community happenings safely.

Even when the road ahead looks rough, our citizens, in the past, of Brown County, have the ability and willpower to keep moving forward into a positive and new outlook. As of the Class of 2020, 10-year 4-H members, retirees, last year FFA members, and many more will not be able to proceed in a traditional send-off.

I encourage these many people always to look forward and be positive in your actions. As the people of Brown County, I encourage you all to do the same and wish everyone the best and healthiest of lives as we push our Brown County into a more refined version of itself. Just as the 4-H motto goes, “To make the best better.”

Shelby Blake, Miss Brown County 2019

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