PET TAILS: What to expect when you’re expecting


The idea of bringing a new pet into your home can be very exciting. However, the transition period can sometimes be challenging and unexpected. Here are a few things to expect when you first adopt a pet:

1. Your pet may not want to spend time with you right away. Adjusting to a new environment and new people isn’t always easy for pets, and it can take time for them to become comfortable with their new surroundings. If your pet seems to be shy or is taking longer to warm up, go slowly with them and introduce them to other people and pets in your life on a more gradual basis.

2. Your pet may have accidents. Anxiety is common in pets when adjusting to a new environment, and anxiety can lead to accidents, even with pets that are housebroken. If your pet does have accidents, follow the basic guidelines for house-training your dog, such as taking them out more frequently and rewarding them for positive behavior.

3. You will learn more and more about your pet. Pets’ personalities don’t always shine through right away given that they’re adjusting to their new space. However, as they become more comfortable, you will get to see more of their personality and temperament. For example, a dog that originally seemed shy might become very playful.

4. You may have to adjust your expectations and plans. Until you actually bring your pet home and get to know them, it can be hard to anticipate all of their needs or to know what type of routine is going to work best. For example, you might have planned to walk your new dog once a day, but a high-energy dog may need several walks per day. Maybe you planned on crating your dog but find that they have anxiety when confined. It’s important to be able to have some flexibility and adjust to meet your pet’s needs.

5. You will likely have to do at least some training. Even the most well-behaved pets aren’t going to know what your specific rules or expectations are. Expect to spend at least some time training your pet and teaching them what to expect in their new home.

If you have further questions about what to expect when bringing your pet home, don’t hesitate to contact your humane society staff!

— Brown County Humane Society

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