PET TAILS: Should you adopt a pet with special needs?

Potential adopters need to be aware of and realistic about their abilities to care for pets with special needs. Submitted photos

If you’re considering whether to adopt a pet with special needs, here are a few things to consider first:

1. Do you travel often? Boarding kennels and pet sitters aren’t always comfortable managing the special needs of pets. Do you have people in your life that you trust to take care of your pet while you’re away? If not, do your research in advance to determine whether there are boarding facilities or pet sitters in your area who are comfortable managing the specific needs of your pet.

2. Do you have long work hours? Pets with special needs often require more time and attention and may need more visitation throughout the day. If you work long hours, do you have a trusted individual who can take care of your pet while you’re gone during the day?

3. Do you enjoy caregiving? If you have a pet with special needs, expect to spend more time engaging in caregiving activities. Basic needs such as feeding, walking and grooming may require more time and energy than with a pet without special needs. While some people are very drawn to caregiving, others are not, so give some thought to what your own personality and interests are and whether this would be a good fit for you.

4. Are you a patient person? Pets with special needs may require more training than other pets, or may require a specific form of training. For example, if you are adopting a blind dog, you will have to learn a form of training that doesn’t involve visual cues. Are you the type of person who can be patient with this process and allow your pet the time that they need to acclimate and learn new behaviors?

5. Are you willing and able to adapt to the specific needs of your pet? Be honest with yourself about how comfortable you would be adapting to the specific needs of your pet. For example, if your pet is diabetic, would you feel comfortable giving your pet injections? If your pet has incontinence issues, are you comfortable with having to clean up more accidents in your home?

6. Are you in a healthy financial space? Depending on what the special need is, your pet may require more medical attention and trips to your veterinarian. Are you in a financial space to be able to afford the additional costs that come with having a pet with special needs?

If you do decide that it is a good fit for you, adopting a pet with special needs can be an incredibly rewarding experience. You’ll develop a bond with your furry companion that will last a lifetime.

— Brown County Humane Society