Letter: No one should be suppressing voting rights


To the editor:

Why would the president, or any other elected officials of a democracy such as the United States of America, try to suppress the voting rights of the people they were elected to protect? They encourage us to participate, while also passing restrictions that make it more difficult to do so.

Voting is the easiest way people can participate in the political process. So why are there so many things being done that make voting more difficult rather than making it easier?

There are several things that can be done such as mail-in voting, making Election Day a federal holiday, or even extending the hours polling places are open. Why not?

Remember that old adage, that if you don’t vote, you have no business complaining about our government? But what if those who don’t vote have been disenfranchised by a variety of illegal or unethical moves by the very government which promises “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness?”

Can we have as much participation in our election process as possible? I hope so.

Mary Perez, Brown County

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