Letter: Endorsement of Birkemeier for county council

To the editor:

Kay and I have known Ken Birkemeier as a banker and family friend for 35-plus years. Our sons played together, Ken and I were merit badge counselors with local Boy Scout Troop 190, and together we attended many high school extracurricular events: sports, plays, History Day, etc.

At the park, Ken brought several groups of adults and youth with Leadership Brown County to learn the mission of the Department of Natural Resources and Brown County State Park. This effort helped people new to the community, and others interested, become better acquainted and appreciate the park — also, our town, local businesses and community organizations.

In these capacities, we have seen Ken perform with an honest and a sincere interest. He has an earnest desire to help make our community a better place to live for us and future generations.

We commend him for his ongoing involvement in local government and heartily endorse Ken Birkemeier for Brown County Council.

Jim and Kay Eagleman, Nashville

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