Letter: Regarding Trump: ‘Hey, folks, game is not over yet’

To the editor:

There was a famous royal concubine, called Hui-Bin Jang, of Korean King Sukjong (1674-1776) of Joseon Dynasty in Korea. She was brilliant and beautiful, but ended up being executed with the pledge (bowl of poison) ordered by the king himself. Why? Because she would not relent from scheming all kinds of murderous plots to harm her political enemies that happened to include the king’s own son, Prince Yeoning, who would later become the next King Youngjo.

When she was arrested with that fatal treason, despite the graceful time given to save her life by simply expressing her penitence, Hui-Bin Jang refused to do so. Why? Because of her unswayable belief system about definition of power. She could not accept her rival’s unbiased offer to redefine the power and build a greater kingdom. She could not understand nor was willing to accept that kind of new perspective as a possibility.

Yesterday, Jan. 6, 2021, we saw Vice President Mike Pence denying his rightful political power to stop the election fraud. And if you think game is over, I want to say, you are mistaken. Why? Because you don’t know who Trump really is. Because you have not done your due homework to get to know him better as president of the United States.

Please don’t get me wrong. Even several months ago, I was a Trump hater from the day he was elected as president in 2016, until I saw with my own eyes this county shaken by the massive scale of election fraud. And more astoundingly, I have witnessed with my own eyes how media is capable of lying and manipulating a whole nation. Unless I have read his books, I would have joined you who either celebrates his defeat or falls flat on the ground sighing and lamenting that the game is over. Hey, folks, game is not over yet.

From the Art of War by Son Tzu (544-499 B.C.), a Chinese master of war, he teaches about the surest way to defeat your enemy. First, you MUST know yourself. Second, you MUST know your enemy. Then, you can win any war. First, you don’t know yourself, and don’t know what you don’t know. Second, you really don’t know who Trump is. So how can you possibly on earth win over Trump if you regard him as your enemy?

As much as “Atomic Habits” by James Clear has enlightened me significantly, I have never seen any book boldly sparkling and uplifting like “Think Big — Make it Happen in Business and Life” written by our own President Donald J. Trump. Just through reading his book I was able to finally get out of my muddy ignorance about this guru of business, life and leadership. If I said “Atomic Habits” is a $1 million worth book, the book “Think Big” is more than a billion or even trillion-dollar-worth book. In this book, “Think Big,” Trump challenges directly our own thinking minds, mostly those of losers of small-mind and small thinkers. Once you turn the first page of this book, you will never want this out of your hands.

As much as I feel ashamed by my own negligence in forming a solid political opinion, I truly and clearly want to tell you about our own president of the United States, a complete package of superior qualities, nothing short to be one of the greatest leaders in the entire history of America. Mr. Trump is an honest, responsible, trustworthy, hard-working and good man. He was born as the son of a millionaire, who had built himself out of the dust, and handed the wisdom of passion and work ethic to his son. Based on his father’s material and spiritual foundation, the operation of Trump was born to meet the current and the most significant challenges of this nation, among unheard-of scale of deceitful political schemes and plots, whose coordinators have the exact mind-set of Hui-Bin Jang of Joseon Dynasty.

Trump is not over, folks. Because he is creative, flexible and always prepared. I trust he will lead this nation to better us and better the whole world. And I cordially invite you to join this journey.

Hyun Joo (Clara) Stanley, Brown County

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