Letter: Thanks to those who made deescalation class possible


To the editor:

Thanks to the Smithville Charitable Foundation, Seasons Lodge, Brown County Health Department and Brown County IT Department, and Indiana Environmental Health Association for the support and sponsorship of the Verbal Judo Class that was held in the Seasons Conference Center on May 26.

The class was funded by a grant from the Smithville Charitable Foundation and taught by the Verbal Judo Institute, instructor Mike “Ziggy” Seigfried. The Seasons conference room was provided to the group at no charge through the generosity of the Seasons Lodge Conference Center and their talented staff. Thirty-two people attended, with about a third of the participants being from local Brown County agencies. The class gave valuable information for person-to-person communication and how to deescalate tense situations.

Participants indicated that they took away many valuable tips and ideas to improve their own work environments and also their home communication.

Jennifer Heller, environmental health specialist, Brown County Health Department

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