Letter: Why don’t we just get rid of Mount Rushmore?


To the editor:

From Laura Zornosa, columnist for the New York Times (Wednesday, June 23, 2021): “After more than a year of talk, it’s official: The Theodore Roosevelt statue in front of the American Museum of Natural History is coming down.”

The New York City Public Design Commission voted unanimously to remove the statue, declaring that, “Roosevelt’s stature on his noble steed visibly expresses dominance and superiority over the Native American and African figures flanking it. Its composition supports a thematic framework of colonization and racism.”

If the conclusion of the commission is valid, why stop there? TNT placed strategically can blow Roosevelt’s face off Mt. Rushmore, leaving the other three former presidents intact.

Wait! Didn’t Washington have slaves that he freed upon his death? Jefferson had slaves, even fathering a child by one female slave. And Lincoln? Even though his Emancipation Proclamation freed thousands of slaves, only slaves in the Confederacy were freed, while owning slaves in northern states remained legal. Thus, the San Francisco school board recently voted to remove the names of George Washington and Abraham Lincoln from public schools because officials “deemed them unworthy of the honor.”

That settles it. The only fair solution is to drop a laser-guided bomb on the Black Hills monument and get rid of all these racists represented there, whose reprehensible behaviors have deeply offended the sensibilities of race-conscious activists of today.

C’mon, people. Get a life.

Jim Brunnemer, Nashville

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