Letter: Save net metering, contact officials


To the editor:

On Sept. 8 the 21st Century Energy Task Force will hear testimony about net metering of homeowner solar. Net metering is a fair and simple way to credit solar owners for the electricity they generate and send to their neighbors on the electric grid instead of using it right away. It values that electricity at the same rate that homeowners pay for electricity purchased form the utility — an even swap.

Unfortunately, net metering is scheduled to end for most new solar owners on June 30, 2022 at the request of the electric utilities.

Electric utilities should not profit from a solar homeowner’s investment. Also, they should not interfere with people lowering their carbon footprint to protect our climate.

The short-term solution is to extend the current net metering program for five years at a fair rate.

Plus increase the number of homeowners eligible for net metering by raising the cap to 5-percent of the utility’s peak load.

Please contact your state representative to protect the rights of all Hoosiers to benefit from rooftop solar.

Ron Rhoads, Carmel

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