Letter: Thanks to all who helped with first ChamberFest


To the editor:

On behalf of the ChamberFest Brown County board I would like to thank everybody in the Brown County community who helped to make this inaugural year of the festival a success. Each and every contribution added so much to the magic of the festival experience.

A special thanks goes out to:

The Brown County Community Foundation, and especially Maddison Miller, for the seed money that put the wheels of ChamberFest in motion.

The Town of Nashville and the Arts and Entertainment Commission, especially Melanie Voland and Sandie Jones, for their financial support and whole-hearted encouragement.

All the people who greeted and ushered at the Nashville United Methodist Church, and especially to Pastor Mary Cartwright and music director Tammera Lane. Their leadership and attention to detail were invaluable.

The Brown County Playhouse staff and volunteers, especially to Hannah Estabrook and Amanda Webb, for helping to make the Saturday evening performance amazing.

Brown County Schools, and especially to music teachers Dan Lyng, Kristi Billings and Matt Finley. Dr. Laura Hammack is no longer here, but her support early on was critical to the project in getting funding. Dan Lyng was amazing in his ability to liaison between us and the schools. We were able to do three outreach events for junior high and high school students that Dan orchestrated beautifully.

The Brown County History Center, especially Pete Bullard and Alice Lorenz, for all their work to get the space ready for a the lecture and PowerPoint presentation.

Phil Stephens, Marilyn Day and Donna Neidnagel for their presentation on Thursday evening at the high school auditorium about environmental efforts in Brown County following the Fry Street Quartet’s film. They presented information that we can act on to make Brown County more conscious of preserving our beautiful environment. Also a big thank you to the high school students who stayed late to make this presentation possible by providing the needed tech support.

The YMCA, and especially Kim Robinson, for hosting the Volante Winds noontime visit and performance at the Y on Wednesday of the festival week.

The Art Guild, and especially Andra Walters and Roberta Chirco, for the marvelous reception after the Pacifica concert on Saturday.

The Hoosier Artist Gallery, and especially Anabelle Hopkins, for arranging and hosting the pre-concert open house before the Friday concert.

The Ferguson House staff, and especially Andi Rogers, in providing hospitality to the Fry Street Quartet and some of the festival donors and participants.

The Bird’s Nest Cafe, and especially Tyra Miller, for hosting a meal for Volante Winds and the ChamberFest Board after Wednesday’s concert.

Big Woods Pizza, and especially event coordinator Riley Reese, who arranged for up to 40 free meals on both Tuesday and Wednesday evening for students attending the concerts those evenings. And to faculty Dan Lyng and Kristi Billings for chaperoning the students there and to the concerts. Quaff ON! also for providing the beer tasting at the reception after Saturday’s concert.

The Brown County Inn for providing reduced room rates for The Fry Street Quartet and festival-goers from out of town.

Clara Stanley for providing transportation to the airport for musicians. This job takes communication and flexibility, which Clara handled beautifully.

Dr. Bev Murphy for creating the charming thank you cards for the musicians, and for getting the word out about ChamberFest in Columbus, as well as providing refreshments for the Thursday evening film.

Lory Winford, Anabel Hopkins and Geoff Thompson for their donation of their art and photos to be used on our website.

Michael’s Flowers for providing flowers for the musicians. The roses were beautifully wrapped and ready to be presented each evening.

WFHB staff and volunteers, especially Chuck Wills, for putting together the interview about ChamberFest Brown County for the Brown County Hour.

Most of all, on behalf of the ChamberFest Brown County board, I would like to thank the audience who came out to experience live chamber music. There is nothing that can compare to the immediacy of hearing this music performed in an intimate setting.

Thank you all for your support and we hope to see you again next summer!

Annie Hawk, president ChamberFest Brown County

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