Sprunica Elementary Students to compete in Invention Convention National Competition


Sprunica Elementary students Karma Harrison, Averi Bohbrink, Garren Gaddis, Anna East and Gertie Mercer competed at the State Invention Convention on March 9 against 12 other students from across the state.

Three of the five students received first, second and fourth place in the overall competition. They will be advancing to the national competition at the Henry Ford Museum in Michigan from June 5 to June 7.

The students will arrive and check-in on June 5. The invention judging will take place on June 6 and the award ceremony will be on June 7.

Karma Harrison won first place with her project “Eco-Friendly Gap Filler,” Averi Bohbrink received second place with “Grate Life” and Garren Gaddis received fourth place with “Seed Digger.”

“All five (students) did an amazing job presenting their inventions to various judges— some happened to be aerospace engineers,” Abby Magner Sprunica Elementary’s STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) teacher said. She added, “I couldn’t be more proud.”

Magner said that the students must prepare a video pitch of their invention for the judges in preparation for the national competition. They are also required to bring posters, prototypes and logbooks that they used in their experiment and display.

Magner told the Democrat that they are currently looking into fundraising opportunities for the students because the competition is a costly event.

“The competition is a three-day excursion with several expenses,” Magner said. “$350 registration fee per student, $375 registration fee per chaperoning adult, hotel, food and transportation costs.”

Magner said that the student registration fee pays for student’s meals, but only during the event.

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