Letter: ‘Dump Trump’ yard signs protected under Constitution

To the editor:

I live in Brown County, and I do not support Donald Trump. I never have, and I am proud of that fact.

I believe that, to remain a free country, we, the people, need to dump Trump. And I will continue to use my freedom of expression that the Constitution guarantees me even though there are some people here in Brown County who want to deny me that right.

I have had four yard signs saying “Dump Trump” stolen from my yard since Donald Trump became president. I don’t know who did it, and I don’t want to know. I just want people to know that there is a Trump supporter in this county who doesn’t understand that the Constitution is the law of the land. It’s entirely possible that the thief has never read the Constitution or that he/she doesn’t believe in freedom.

If you know who has been stealing these signs of mine, I ask you to please tell them about the First Amendment to the Constitution, the right to free speech. Tell them what the Constitution stands for and why freedom for all of us is so important.

Thank you to each person in Brown County who still believes in a free country for all, not just for some.

Fleet Walker, Brown County

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