Letter: Community Clean-Up beautified several roads

A large group from Helmsburg participated in the 2018 Great American Clean-Up organized by Keep Brown County Beautiful. The Helmsburg Community Development Corporation earned the Brown County Community Foundation's Environmental Leadership Award for 2019 last week. File photo

To the editor:

Many thanks to everyone that joined us Saturday, April 21 for our Great American Clean-Up and our first Community Clean-Up. We had two groups of people working along with many residents who cleaned their roads or an Adopt-a-Road.

Thank you to Mike at Nashville McDonald’s for hosting one of our groups. This group of 30-plus people worked tirelessly to clean roads including but not limited to Sweetwater Trail.

Our group at Helmsburg also had nearly 30 people and they worked around Helmsburg and nearby roads. This hardworking group picked up approximately 50 bags of trash.

All together we had over 100 bags of litter picked up. We cannot thank you all enough for your time and dedication. This is not easy work and often seems to be repetitious at best. We hope everyone will catch the pick up litter idea!

A big thank-you goes to reserve deputy Keith Baker for his traffic control and for everyone being careful around our workers!

This was a very successful day. Thank you all for helping to Keep Brown County Beautiful! See you in July at our next Community Clean-Up!

Cathy Paradise, president, Keep Brown County Beautiful

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