Letter: Thanks for participating in benefit trail ride

To the editor:

The Saddle Up for St. Jude Children’s Hospital horse trail ride event held at the Brown County State Park Horseman’s Camp on May 12 was a great success. We had 23 riders participate and raised $3,200 for the hospital.

Thanks to Morgan County Feed for some of the prizes; Kroger’s for the breakfast goodies; Marla Brewster, Bill and Judy Rumbaugh and Cathy and Mike McGowen and Susan Tomlinson for their help; and everyone who rode and raised money for this worthwhile cause.

Our riders bringing in the most money were Ellie and Chloe Harsch. Autumn Justus had the most sponsors — 60 people! We had great weather and everyone enjoyed the pitch-in lunch afterward.

For pictures see our Facebook page, “St Jude Saddle Up Trail Ride.” Thanks everyone.

Jennifer Rugenstein, Brown County

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