Letter: Praise for rock and mineral show at History Center

To the editor:

The rock and mineral show at the historical society on Sept. 29 and 30 greatly exceeded my expectations. The sheer amount of rocks and minerals had me buzzing with excitement. There were several different kinds of rocks and minerals, from the most common, to rocks I had never even heard of before. I, as a 13-year-old, gained so much knowledge out of this amazing event.

The people selling and showing off rocks were very kind, and were very knowledgeable about all the rocks they owned. They were happy to answer any questions you may have had about their rocks, and would even suggest rocks you might like. It was awesome the amount of free samples the people had, too, with so many rocks from which you could choose. I have never met people who were so filled to the brim with facts and tidbits about rocks and minerals that I was just blown away.

This is the first time I have ever attended something like this in Nashville, and if it isn’t annual, it definitely should be. I would have an amazing thing to look forward to every September, and have a place once a year that would guarantee new rocks, knowledge and happy faces. That rock and mineral show was, hands down, the best event about rocks that I have ever been to.

Sincerely yours,

Caiden Spahr, Brown County

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