Letter: Light parade collects 900+ toys for local children

To the editor:

We at The Salvation Army would like to extend a huge thank-you to the community and the chamber of commerce for the toys given at the Dec. 1 light parade! In spite of the rain and bad weather, the parade went on, and even with the smaller-than-expected entries and crowd in town, we collected 950 toys alone that night!

Plus thank you to the various other places in town that were drop points, which brought in an additional 50-plus toys. The Artist Colony Inn does an annual toy drive for us and theirs brought in 200-plus toys. THANK YOU never seems like enough.

We would also like to recognize and say thanks to Big Woods Pizza for supplying pizza for all the volunteers who come back to the church to unload and count all the toys after the parade. They have done this from year one. Thank you!

On Dec. 8, we held the Toy Shoppe, and on that day, we served and blessed 89 families, representing 252 children receiving 1,244 gifts! This number continued to grow as families that could not make it to the Toy Shoppe day were able to come during the pantry hours on Wednesday or Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

And lastly, a huge thank-you to all who worked the day of the Toy Shoppe. It was a great day of blessing our fellow community members!

Sincere thanks and gratitude to all that played even the smallest part in making this day happen!

The Salvation Army of Brown County: Lt. Kenneth Alip, corps officer; Margie Ray, social service director; Dar Martin, administrative assistant (submitted by Rebecca V. Smith)

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