Letter: Superintendent is ‘shining beacon of good values’

To the editor:

During our lives, each of us will meet and get to know many people. Some of those folks are visionary and genuine leaders. Others fail to lead effectively, or become critics of those who would lead — without offering any positive change to our society. Instead, they just sit back and criticize those who do.

The superintendent of Brown County Schools, Dr. Laura Hammack, is a visionary and genuine leader. Recently, with support from the school board, she terminated an instructor who apparently portrayed himself in a racially offensive manner.

Dr. Hammack’s action to protect our community standards of ethical and moral decency clearly reflect the standards that Brown County residents expect from her leadership position. To have done otherwise would have resulted in significant confusion and angst among county citizens, the education staff and among the students who are being taught and mentored in our schools. After all, don’t we expect today’s youth to be taught good morals, ethics and values? Don’t we want them to grow up to be responsible adults who are respectful of people of differing races, cultures and ethnic backgrounds?

Whether this situation happened today or decades ago, Dr. Hammack made the right decision, to protect and champion our good morals, ethics and values. She set a good example for all of us to follow — and for the students our local citizens entrust to her care.

Had our school superintendent failed to take remedial action, Brown County could have quickly become a publicity blight for the state of Indiana, and the tourism Brown County relies on could have been severely damaged. Just look at the national disgrace the governor of Virginia has brought to his state for a similar situation.

To Dr. Hammack, I say, “thank you” for standing up for good moral, ethical and racial standards. You are a credit to the Brown County community, an excellent leader, and a shining beacon of the good values that our young student-citizens should strive to achieve in their lives.

Evan A. Werling, CPA (retired), Brown County