Letter: Nashville United Methodist will welcome all people

To the editor:

I write this letter to Brown County friends and neighbors of Nashville United Methodist Church. As pastor of the NUMC congregation, I know that our denomination has been much in the news recently. The UMC is a global church with institutional connectedness to other United Methodists in many parts of Africa, the Philippines, and certain parts of Europe as well as across the United States.

Like most other Christian denominational bodies in the U.S., the UMC has long wrestled with how to welcome all people into the life of faith, regardless of sexual orientation. Our church has restrictions on the one hand, and on the other hand we have always insisted that all people are created in the image of God. We believe that all are beloved of God. In the civic realm, we know that all deserve their civil rights as set forth by the laws of the United States. Our Book of Discipline clearly states: Each person is of sacred worth.

Despite all of the publicity about the General Conference held in St. Louis, Feb. 23-26, little has changed. Many people were hoping there would be changes in making our rules more open to all people regardless of sexual orientation. Sadly, from my perspective at least, that openness was not affirmed in St. Louis. More restrictive rules were passed by a narrow margin, and then some of the new rules were deemed unconstitutional by the church’s Judicial Council (kind of like a church Supreme Court).

The United Methodist Church as a whole is deeply divided about these issues, just as our country is deeply divided. If those of you reading this are praying people, I hope you will pray for us.

However, all that being said, I want to emphasize that the United Methodist Church continues to hold that all people are of sacred worth. At Nashville United Methodist Church we welcome all people regardless of a person’s sexual orientation. Whether you identify as LGBTQ or straight, whether you are “out” to your friends and family or not, whether you are single or in a committed relationship, we welcome you to our church. If you seek to follow Jesus Christ — or even just to get to know him, or maybe you’re just curious about him — you are welcome in our church. If you want to worship with a loving, committed congregation, you are welcome in our church. You can be baptized; you are welcome at the Table of the Lord for Holy Communion; you are eligible for positions of leadership according to your gifts.

I may not be able to perform the ceremony should you choose to marry, but I will honor your marriage, be it a same-sex marriage or a traditional one, and I will honor the commitments that you make.

As a congregation, we will laugh with you in times of joy, and we will weep with you in times of sorrow. We will encourage you in your efforts to be a faithful disciple of Jesus Christ.

What is primary to us is to love the people that God loves and to see in each person the face of Jesus. That does not mean that we always get it right; we certainly do not. But we do believe in Jesus who said that it is the kind of neighbor you are that is important — not making sure you have the so-called “right” neighbor to love (see the Gospel of Luke, chapter 10, verses 25-37).

It is a joy to live and serve in the Brown County community.

Grace and peace,

Mary W. Cartwright, pastor, Nashville United Methodist Church

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