Letter: Urge your Congressman to restore net neutrality

To the editor:

I am writing to you because I want to protect our open internet.

Two years ago, the Federal Communications Commission, under Ajit Pai, repealed the net neutrality protections that make the internet an open and free platform to connect and exchange ideas.

If we can’t restore these protections, the internet as we know it could change forever. This would affect all Americans, especially small business owners like myself. I am not in the position to pay for privileged access to my potential customers, and will be stuck in a slow lane if we don’t save net neutrality. Big businesses have more money at their disposal and will have no problem paying for privileged access.

Earlier this month, Congress introduced the Save the Internet Act, which will restore the open Internet protections that were repealed by the FCC in 2017. Despite having the support of over 80 percent of Americans, many members of Congress are siding with Big Telecom to vote against this bill.

I hope our representatives in Congress, including Representative Hollingsworth, vote in favor of this bill. Otherwise, we’ll be forced to hold them accountable at the ballot box in 2020.


Nancy Kalina, Bloomington