Letter: Help volunteers Keep Brown County Beautiful

To the editor:

Keep Brown County Beautiful has had a very productive year in 2019. Dumpster Days in June was a big success story. We also cleaned up a huge dump area with the assistance of a group of Cummins volunteers. We worked with a group from Duke Energy and another group from Cummins to do two more road clean-ups.

We have also worked with Dana Beth Evans at the Brown County Music Center and have recycling containers inside the new music center. This is along with collecting caps and getting recycled benches at all of the schools and the administration building from collected recycled caps! Caps are still being accepted from the public. We have a list of places that would like benches. Get information on what caps and lids to collect from the Recycle Center.

Yes, we are doing all of this and more! On Nov. 15 is America Recycles Day. Keep Brown County Beautiful will have reusable grocery bags at the Nashville IGA that day. You can get one when you make a purchase, then reuse it for your next purchase. They will give them away until they are gone. Look inside and you will find a flyer about us and how you can help us financially, or you can give us a call.

To donate or volunteer, call Marilyn at 12-988-0140 and tell her you are calling regarding Keep Brown County Beautiful.

Help us Keep Brown County Beautiful!

Cathy Paradise, president, Keep Brown County Beautiful

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