Letter: Overflowing with thanks this holiday season

To the editor:

Thank you to our veterans and their families and friends for coming to share at the Brown County High School Veterans Day program. It was so good to see all of you again this year and to share a wonderful meal prepared by the food service staff and breakfast with The Salvation Army. Thanks to the History Club students, all of the students and the school corporation staff that assisted and served on this day to honor you.

Thanks to Dr. Laura Hammack, Bob Harris and the rest of the team which includes the teachers, bus drivers, custodians, facility staff, support staff, and all of the people who keep our buildings clean and safe for our students so we can do our job to provide the best education environment for them so that they may succeed in life.

Thank you to those who reached out and helped me after suffering a car wreck that totaled my car and put a large dent into my daily life. I especially give thanks to the Bowmans (Robyn) for all their help and recommendations. I am in a new car and slowly getting over the consequences of great airbags and seat belt functions!

Thanks to Tanner for his assist with my computer and my pack (two dogs, two cats)!

Thanks to my work partner, Diane, who gave me good advice which led me to my new car, and to my co-workers for their support.

Thank you to all of my fellow board members for your concerns and care.

Thanks to the runner who jumped into the sleigh at the courthouse and took a selfie. You made me laugh and smile and I have you a honk and thumbs-up.

Thanks for the holiday lights I get to see in town on my way in to work and returning home. It brings joy to my heart.

Thanks to all who serve in public and behind the scenes to make all kinds of good things happen here in Brown County.

Thanks to all of those who work to keep us safe and their families who support them.

Thanks to those who use microphones in public government meetings so that ALL citizens can hear and understand what is being said, which is their right as citizens and the duty of various board members.

A great thanks to my Big Jersey Sister for your support, knowledge and love.

Last and certainly not least, thank you to my daughter, Jessi, for your kind words, phone calls, love and being a mini-me in my time of need.

Carol Bowden, Brown County

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