Letter: ‘Disappointed and ashamed’ of senator’s vote

To the editor:

Last fall I met Senator Mike Braun at an open house here in Nashville. I was duly impressed. First, he thought our opinion important enough to come down and talk to us in person, something which rarely happens here in Brown County. I didn’t agree with a lot of what he said, but I respected him as an honest man of character and integrity. I was impressed and told many friends.

On Tuesday, Jan. 28, I called Mike Braun and asked him to vote to allow witnesses to be called as part of the impeachment. Seemed to me a no-brainer; you call witnesses during a trial. The lady in Washington who I talked to advised that the senator had made up his mind; he was going to vote to call witnesses as long as both sides were free to do so.

When the vote was finally taken, he buckled in to political pressure and would not vote to allow witnesses.

I guess my initial impression of him was completely wrong. He is just another typical politician following orders from the party bosses and the president, ignoring the will of 72 percent of the population that wanted witnesses.

I am so disappointed and ashamed. I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.

Denny Kubal, Brown County