Letter: A response to all ‘Scolding Karens’ out there

To the editor:

Over the past few weeks, I have read with amusement, and today, horror, over the various responses by the community over the Wuhan flu pandemic — from the Scolding Karens who were incensed by the governor coming to town and buying from a restaurant sans a mask, to the horror that I read today (May 16) in The Democrat that 15 percent of respondents to a survey would want to write license plate numbers down and report that out-of-town drivers were in town.

I own a vehicle that is registered out of state, but at the same time, I own property in Nashville. Does that make me a criminal? If so, what would be the charge?

Two state routes run through Nashville. Does that mean that someone traveling on those routes will have their plate numbers recorded by the Scolding Karens and then passed to authorities?

For the Scolding Karens of the world, it must be hard to survive in this period of difficulties. I can only imagine in Germany in the 1930s as people were turned into authorities for violating the rules that the Nazis were trying to implement. I imagine that you would be the first in line to call on your neighbors, for that is what the government would want you to do. For those folks, I feel sad for you.

In the meantime, stay in a safe place. Order your food from Amazon and have it delivered.

For me? I will travel where I want, when I want and how I want.

You want to be a social justice warrior baying at the moon? Fine. Just leave me out of your delusions and illegal ideas.

For you Scolding Karens, I would follow the example of the governor of Illinois: Shutting down businesses while at the same time, sending family to Florida (an open state) to ride out these difficulties. The hypocrisy of the left is amusing.

Like Animal House, all of us are the same, it’s just that some animals are different than others. Sad.

Mark C. Medlyn, Brown County

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