Letter: Thanks, CRC, for letting us use your room

To the editor:

The Brown County Health Department would like to thank the Career Resource Center for the generous use of the large training room at their facility. The CRC graciously made the training room available to provide a ServSafe Food Manager class for 10 people on June 22 and 23. This training usually takes place in the Salmon Room of the County Office Building, but due to the current building restrictions, this room use is limited.

The CRC facility was well provided with state-of-the-art electronics that performed flawlessly, and staff was very involved in maintaining social distancing and sanitation needs during this time of COVID-19 prevention.

A big thanks to all at the CRC who assisted in making the ServSafe Food Manager certification training a possibility.

Jennifer Heller, environmental health specialist and certified ServSafe instructor/proctor, Brown County Health Department

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