Letter: Democrat nominees not chosen for competence

To the editor:

I marveled at the letter from Ms. Shifriss of Bloomington (Jan. 6 issue) who wrote, “The diversity, experience and competence of so many nominees already named is a reason to celebrate on Jan. 20, as if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris weren’t enough!”

Does she really want the country run like Chicago, New York City, Minneapolis, San Francisco, Portland and Seattle? Pete Buttigieg, the presumed secretary of transportation, couldn’t even fix the potholes in South Bend. Susan Rice, tapped to run the Domestic Policy Council, appeared on five nationally syndicated TV shows in one day and reiterated the same pack of lies about Benghazi each time.

Let’s not kid the public — I’ll grant you that these people were chosen for their diversity (e.g., ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation) but certainly not their experience or competence.

By all means, let’s keep Bloomington weird, but don’t let it migrate to Brown County.

Brandy Brandon, Nashville

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