Letter: Join in activities to celebrate 20th America Recycles Day

To the editor:

Nov. 15 is America Recycles Day, a day for promoting and celebrating recycling. This celebration was started in 1997 and is made by presidential proclamation. Communities all over our country will be engaging people to recycle.

Keep Brown County Beautiful will be celebrating all week long and offering several different workshops as well as a contest with monetary prizes to engage our community in recycling and reuse.

On Nov. 14 at the Brown County Public Library, there will be a crafts workshop for children accompanied by an adult. This will begin at 6:30 p.m. and last one hour. It is free, but please call and register at 812-988-0140 to help our presenter prepare. Marilyn Feiock from Brown County Solid Waste will be the presenter.

On Nov. 15 at the Brown County Community Foundation basement, there will be an Upcycled Art workshop. You will take home a piece of art you create yourself. Nancy Crocker of 4th Sister Vintage and Olde Magnolia House Inn will be the presenter. There will be a $10 fee for the wall art you will create. Call 812-988-0140 or 812-327-9617 to register. It will begin at 6 p.m. Bring snacks if you wish.

On Nov. 16 at the Brown County Public Library, Marilyn Feiock and Phil Stephens from Brown County Solid Waste will present “What and How to Recycle.” This will be free and run from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Last but not least will be our Repurposing and Creating Contest. The objective is to transform or create useful or decorative items from recyclable material.

There will be two categories: Repurpose a recyclable item from its original purpose to another useful purpose; or create a decorative item using recyclable material.

There will be three cash awards in each category. First place is $100, second place is $50 and third place is $25.

Entries must be submitted Nov. 16 or 17 at the library and all items must be picked up by 4 p.m. Nov. 18 at the library.

For an application with the rules and all the information you need to enter the contest, call Mary Ann Cline at 317-509-7379, Marilyn Feiock at 812-988-0140, Cathy Paradise at 812-327-9617, or email us at [email protected]. Or find an application at the Brown County Public Library.

Recycling reduces trash and it also reduces litter on our roads. Do your part and recycle. Come to our workshops and have some fun with recycling!

Cathy Paradise, Keep Brown County Beautiful

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