Letter: Stop the logging plan in Yellowwood/Morgan-Monroe

To the editor:

My name is Christopher Reed, a Brown County resident, who loves and embraces our natural resources, hoping you will see the wisdom in the refusal to allow the Division of Forestry’s attempt to log 299 acres of pristine old-growth trees within the Yellowwood/Morgan-Morgan State Forest backcountry.

This action would be notoriously short-sighted and ill-advised on so many levels, all in the name of “development.” The sale of these trees would result in a comparatively small financial gain while crippling an outstanding resource that millions of Hoosiers have used and embraced for generations, not to mention the barbaric loss of habitat that would result in the displacement of scores of the natural inhabitants that have been observed and loved by innumerable people who appreciate the raw and natural beauty that would now be unnecessarily threatened.

(Letter copied to Gov. Eric Holcomb.)

Christopher Reed, Brown County

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