Letter: A few thoughts on ‘honesty and civility’

To the editor:

I applaud the person that asked for honesty and civility (letter to the editor, July 25 paper). It seems that they did not practice it. I think that our community can be a place to have good civil discourse. Making unfounded accusations and stereotyping Liz Watson is not conducive to civility. Try to stay with what is known, not what you speculate. Call Liz and ask to meet with her and really find what she believes in doing for the people of her district.

In contrast, her opponent has been invited to many forums and has refused to attend. I do want to get to know him. For example, I would like know the truth about how much he benefited from the tax bill that passed recently.

Can we agree that we try to understand each other based on evidence and truth and not innuendos and lies?

Bill Todd, Brown County

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