High-schooler spends six weeks in France

This summer, a Brown County High School student spent six weeks in France through the Indiana University Honors Program in Foreign Languages, living with a host family and speaking only that country’s language.

Sophomore Isabel Rygiel spoke with the Brown County Democrat about her experiences abroad:

Q: How would you describe your trip this summer?

A: My trip this summer to Bretagne, France, was amazing. My French speaking improved greatly. I made so many amazing friends and expanded my knowledge on a different culture.

Q: Did you face challenges living in a foreign country? What were some lessons learned?

A: I did face some challenges while I was there. The first couple weeks were very challenging when speaking to my host family. It was hard to comprehend what they were saying because they spoke very quickly, but I learned to not become frustrated and to just keep trying and keep asking for help.

Q: What did you enjoy most about your trip?

A: The part I enjoyed most about the trip was living with my host family for six weeks. The program did a great job matching me. I couldn’t have asked for a better host family to live with for the summer. We went to the beach weekly, ate dinner together every night and visited friends.

Q: Would you do it again? Why or why not?

A: I would definitely do this trip again. The immersion is so helpful with learning a different language, and because of this trip I know I will study abroad in college.

Q: What was the first thing you did when you got off the plane in America after your trip?

A: When I got off the plane in America I greeted my sister, mom and best friend with big hugs and struggled my way through speaking in English. It was very difficult going from speaking in French for six weeks and going right back to English.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add about the experience?

A: I would recommend this experience to anyone in high school who wants to become more proficient in speaking a foreign language and wants to immerse themselves into another culture. This summer was amazing and now I have a family and friends in France I know I’ll see again.