Letter: Candidate’s stance on abortion must be considered

To the editor:

It is time to decide who to vote for in the upcoming election. I can only suggest to having a standard of values to go by when choosing. Hopefully, your vote will be for someone that has the character to stand up for what is most important in the lives of everyone. For me, it starts with their position regarding one’s existence.

No one on the planet asked to be here. So, no one has more right to their existence than anyone else.

For any candidate claiming to be looking out for the interests of the people, but then condones or supports in any way the destructive termination of “one of their own kind,” I cannot vote for them no matter whatever else they are claiming they would be willing to do for you. Nor can I ever believe they have the qualities to be a trusted leader. In my view, it is as though people with that mindset must feel that developing humans are some kind of alien monsters destined to take over mankind and so they must be destroyed. Quite the contrary. Those developing humans ARE the future of mankind. And for those supporting their demise in any way, well then now, who are the “real monsters” in this situation?

Abortion is the most heinous act committed by one living being against another.

Abortion is pre-birth assassination. Assassination is pre-meditated murder. If you don’t understand this statement, look up in the dictionary the terms I’ve used and you’ll see that their definitions fit the reasoning in describing the circumstance.

For those who believe life at any stage of one’s existence is of little to no value, I wonder how many would be willing to “live by example” and be the next to volunteer to leave the planet?

For any candidate to tell me they are for the people when they are in favor of abortion run a campaign that is no different than if they would go out into a field, scoop up a cow pie, shape it, package it, and market it trying to convince me that that turd is a Tootsie Roll! Your campaign has a stench you can’t cover up with a flowery package of other claims of being for the people.

I am sorry for those who are naive and gullible, choosing to vote for a candidate because of their big smile or pretty face while not considering the real core values of that person.

Maybe those kinds of people are victims suffering from “inbreeding of thought” syndrome and don’t even realize it. How sad for them.

Recent news reports claim that six million jobs are waiting to be filled. Where are the workers? The millions that have been aborted throughout the years could have very well been those needed workers.

I have read comments in the paper stating that debates between certain candidates did not take place. For me, no further discussion would be necessary if you are not in favor of looking out for and protecting another at any stage of their existence. So, in a common sense perspective, how can anyone, a single person, a husband, a wife or mother especially with children of her own, support such a heinous act against another living being, one of their own kind, one of their own species and still claim that they are for the people?

Not the kind of candidate I’m voting for. I want a candidate who is looking out for all people, including those developing humans who stand to possibly become your own neighbor, your own kin, citizens of America or future voters.

Our votes can make a difference between the life or death of many of our own kind. And everyone deserves the right to their existence, no matter at what stage of their existence they may be.

With all due respect, no-nonsense voter,

Mike Bube, Brown County