Letter: Save your lids to be made into recycled benches

To the editor:

Keep Brown County Beautiful and the Brown County Recycle Center/Brown County Solid Waste District are partnering with Brown County Schools in a unique recycling program.

The ABC program, which is a plastic cap and lid recycling program specifically for school students, is a tool for teachers to be able to teach students to care about our Earth. The teacher works with their students weighing and sorting collecting plastic caps and lids. When enough are collected, they then decide together which bench they will choose that will be made from their collected recycled plastic caps and lids. It takes so many per bench they pick.

This is where you come in. Please collect your acceptable plastic caps and lids and take them with your recyclables to the center and drop them off. You can get the list from the Recycle Center Solid Waste District or from their website, browncountyrecycles.org. This can make sure each school gets a recycled bench. You can pick the school of your preference or just give them to any school.

This is a wonderful way to be involved in a program that helps the schools and students. The students have a math and science lesson and they appreciate the bench because they participated in making it happen.

Education is the always the first step in keep trash off of the roads. Join our schools in Keeping Brown County Beautiful! Call 812-988-0140 for information.

Cathy Paradise, Brown County