Letter: ‘Respect the rights of others to hold different opinions’

To the editor:

I am writing in response to Mike Bube’s letter published in the Oct. 24 edition of The Democrat.

I have admired the many ways in which Mike and his family have been involved in and provided leadership in Brown County. However, I am very disturbed by Mike’s letter. He makes extremely insulting assertions regarding anyone who disagrees with his position on abortion. I assume Mike’s convictions are informed by strong religious beliefs. I know many people whose equally strong religious beliefs compel them to support a woman’s right to choose. Mike, however, suggests that such persons are “monsters.”

Mike inferred that those who disagreed with him on this issue are “victims suffering from inbreeding of thought.” I disagree with Mike’s beliefs about a woman’s right to choose, but I respect his right to hold his beliefs. It’s too bad he can’t do the same. Mike signs his letter “With all due respect,” when in fact he shows only disrespect for those who disagree with him on this issue.

I hope he and others will learn to respect the rights of others to hold different opinions instead of demonizing them as some kind of monsters.

Verne Sindlinger, Brown County

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