Letter: ‘Enough’ with people being offended so much

To the editor:

(Letter copied to school board members)

This is a first for me, reaching out to my school board members. I don’t have children in school but I do vote and I pay my property taxes here, so I’m taking this opportunity to voice my opinion to my board, something I have never done in my life.

Because I don’t have children in school here, my involvement with the schools has been limited. I have always supported my friend’s and neighbor’s children in their activities in school. I’ve kept reasonable track of things going on here because I am a taxpayer, so I choose to keep myself educated on certain issues.

With that being said, I couldn’t be more disappointed in the publicity this ridiculous issue of Mr. Gist is getting. What I believe everyone is overlooking, is the source of this “offensive” Facebook post. For starters, Mr. Booker is not a resident of this county. One of his encouragers isn’t either. Mr. Booker is a liberal activist who just looks for things to whine about that he finds “offensive.” Why must we as a community step aside and allow troublemakers to, through social media (serious complainants show up in person), dictate who our teachers, leaders and community servants are?

The way the superintendent has kowtowed to this entire issue is, in my opinion, reprehensible and completely unacceptable. At some point, someone with some common sense needs to stand up and say, “For the love of God, why is it OK to dig up crap from 10, 15, 20+ years ago and think it’s OK?” Clearly, Mr. Gist has made a good impression on the kids he has taught and coached. From what I’ve read, he’s a good citizen. Big deal! He likes Bob Marley. Do I find that “offensive”?

No, but what I do find “offensive” is that we have become the land of being offended by everything. The fact that there is even time being spent on potential termination of a good man who has his own opinions, his own likes, dislikes, and otherwise is, in my opinion, highly offensive. Why? Because my tax dollars are funding this witch hunt against a good man. A witch hunt that was orchestrated by a liberal activist who has no skin in the game in Brown County.

I do not know Mr. Gist. I’ve never met the man, nor would I know him if he walked into my front door. I do know that his employer is treating him like a criminal over nothing. And I find that, in and of itself, offensive.

The only reason I’m not going to make the meeting on the 7th is because business is taking me out of town. But you better believe that if this wasn’t a previously scheduled trip that involves several clients, I’d be at that meeting and I wouldn’t leave until my voice was heard. If your school system needs anything right now, it’s a new leader who has some balls to stand up and say, “Enough!”

What the kids are learning from this is 1. Never have an opinion that doesn’t reconcile with everyone else’s; 2. Don’t ever emulate or respect someone of a different race (regardless of what your superintendent thinks, this is the truth); 3. Make sure you get offended and stay offended instead of growing up and being a productive member of society; 4. Always back down to those who play the race card no matter how wrong they are.

These are some great lessons for our future generation, and this is why our country is in the mess it’s in.

You are free to call or email me, although I’m fairly certain I’ll not hear a word.

But, at any rate, have a good week and remember what the mission is.

Amy D. Haupert, MDCS, INC, Nineveh (Brown County)