Letter: BETA thanks those who helped with music showcase

To the editor:

The Brown County Enrichment for Teens Association Inc. (BETA) would like to happily share that the 2019 annual fundraiser Brown County Youth Music Showcase on Saturday, March 9 was a great success.

Most of all, it was such a beautiful program put together by our fabulous host Kara Barnard and her students. They inspired and uplifted our souls and spirits with the music and community sharing.

BETA also greatly thanks many people for showing up as early as 6 p.m. before the program started at 7:30 p.m. to generously bid for our silent auction items. We can’t thank enough our beautiful community and would like to sincerely thank each of you from our deepest hearts of appreciation.

Most of all we would like to thank Kara Barnard and her music students for sharing their talents and time with us: Mackenzie Crum, Hunter Tolle, Izzy Miller, Jesse Augsberger, Alexa Garduno, Ryan Watters, Elio Miller, Emerson and Jason Blakenship, Jackson O’Shea, Allison O’Shea, Jenny Austin, Thad and Jack Hobbs, the Richardson family, Miah Ferran, John Oliver, Parker Scott, Nathan Dillon and the Fields of Fire BETA teen band and MPROV Vocalists from Martinsville High School.

We also would like to give our huge thanks to Art Alliance Brown County artists M.K. Watkins and Bill Hastings for donating their beautiful paintings for the live auction. We would like to thank Suzannah Zody, Debbie Dunbar, Bob Kirlin and the Brown County Playhouse board and staff for their support of the event. We also would like to give our special big thanks to Christy McGinley, Carol Bell, Brenda Krieger and Jenny Austin for their incredible work for the silent auction and set up.

We also want to thank Keith Fleener, Sara Clifford, Suzannah Couch, the Brown County Democrat and the Almanack magazine for the poster and advertisement support. We also want to give our big thanks to Our Brown County magazine for generously publishing our event.

We would like to also thank the following individual donors and organizations for silent auction donations: Anabel Hopkins; Ann Woods; Ascension Fine Arts; B. Skinner; B-3 Gallery; Bandy Russell; Beth Drew and Mary Kay; Big Woods and Hard Truth Distillery; the Brown County Democrat; Brown County Parks and Recreation; the Brown County Playhouse; the Brown County YMCA; Cathy’s Corner and Cathy Haggerty; Charlene Marsh; Cheri Platter; the Chocolate Moose and Justin Loveless; Chris Gustin; Christy McGinley and the Brown County Soap Company; Davie Kean; Darren Pitts Redman; Dick and Carol Routh from the Brown County Rotary Club; Dixie Ferrer; Hope for Hearts Horse Farm and Lisa Bowman; Jack & Jill Nut Shop; Jerry Roberson; Johnny’s Grub To Go and Ginger Knight; Kathy Sparks; Kevin Snyder; Laura Blackthorn; Male Instinct and Joanne Rozzi; Mainland Ukuleles and Tookta Chaiyasit; Mandy Simmons Hair Salon; Our Sandwich Place and Cheryl Ferguson; Roxana Genis; Scott Mills; Schwab’s Fudge; Terri Schultz; Tom Lowe; Touch of Silver, Gold and Old and Carol and Al Drake; Urban Air Bloomington; and Yvonne Oliger.

We also thank these individual donors: Teed and Mary Howard, Carolyn Rogers from Hoosier Art Gallery and Joan Miller. We also would like to thank Art Alliance Brown County and its artists; Brown County Art Guild; Brown County Community Foundation; Seung Han Foundation; Brown County school corporation and Superintendent Dr. Laura Hammack; and St. Agnes Catholic Church for their special support for this event.

We can’t thank enough our volunteers for the event: Pam Boer, Connie Casey, Vivian Wolff, Carri Spires and all the other volunteers who just showed up to help. We also would like to especially recognize Carol and Al Drake with Touch of Silver, Gold and Old for donating the sale proceeds to BETA from their “Investing in our youth” sale from Feb. 9 through March 10.

Lastly, BETA would like to thank all the people who came to our event despite the pouring rain and thunderstorms. Thanks to your presence, love and care, BETA has, does and will continue to work to support our precious youth and their growth.

Our children are surely blessed with you and our wonderful Brown County!

Clara Stanley, BETA board president

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