Letter: ‘Does our president’s morality really matter?’

To the editor:

Our national economy is producing record results for our citizens. Does our president’s morality really matter when he is getting such great results?

Maybe before we even look at the man’s accomplishments, we should look at his character, his morals, and judge whether he is qualified to represent America. No president is perfect, many have had moral lapses, but how much immoral behavior is acceptable?

Let’s look at Trump. We know that the president has told thousands of lies since taking office. He recently told us China is paying the tariffs, not Americans. Even his adviser, Larry Kudlow, had to dampen that whopper. Who can forget “Mexico will pay for the wall.” Most of us now just laugh off his daily string of lies and misstatements, as that is just Trump. Is this who we are now?

Nineteen women have accused him of sexual assault, some of these allegations supported by witnesses. Four women claim he walked in on them when they were teenagers and naked when he owned a beauty pageant. Trump bragged to Howard Stern he could he regularly walk in on naked women during his beauty pageants. He also bragged to Stern about many affairs while he was married. We all know he paid off a porn star and a Playboy bunny to hide affairs he had with them while married. We have all heard the tape of him bragging about groping women.

Trump has a history of cheating people. He was sued by former students of his fake university and ended up paying them $25 million in damages because the school was a fraud. He has been sued 3,500 times, many for not paying contractors and employees. President Trump’s longtime driver sued him for not paying him overtime for years.

He has repeatedly used racist language. He claims Mexican immigrants are rapists and murderers, and a Mexican judge can’t be qualified. The department of justice sued his company twice for not renting to blacks. He called white supremacists and Nazis “fine people.” The list goes on and on.

I am embarrassed and ashamed. Do we really want to hold this man in high esteem as a symbol of American virtue and values to our children, our country and the world? Aren’t we better than this?

We have the power in two years to end this national nightmare. Please, take your vote seriously. It’s so important.

Denny Kubal, Brown County