Letter: Upset about mowing along State Road 135

Ray Smith sent this photo of the mowing that was done along the edge of his property on State Road 135 North, hitting his flowers and a tree.

To the editor:

My wife and I have lived in Brown County for over 30 years. When we bought our house, the bank parallel to State Road 135 was nothing but scrub trees and bramble bushes. I cleared the bank and planted bushes and flowers to control soil erosion.

In June of this year, the state highway department decided to cut some of my bank. They desecrated my dogwood tree and my flowers around my mailbox and driveway.

I cannot see any justification for this type of cutting I am very (expletive) off by their lack of respect of my property. I realized they have the right-of-way along the road, but this was total overkill. I feel this act was uncalled for.

When driving along 135 or any state or county roads, how many properties are overgrown or kept up to improve the true beauty of Brown County?

Ray Smith, State Road 135 North

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