Retiring teacher feature: Connie Darling

Connie Darling

After teaching at Sprunica Elementary School for her entire education career, first-grade teacher Connie Darling has retired.

Darling taught third-graders at Sprunica Elementary every year except for the three years when she taught a first-, second- and third-grade multi-age class.

“I have been blessed to have taught my entire career in the Brown County schools,” Darling said.

Darling has always been an elementary school teacher because she loved seeing how students grow from the beginning to the end of the year.

“Their minds are like little sponges, absorbing everything,” she said.

The Democrat sent Darling a Q&A to learn more about her time as a teacher in Brown County.

Q: What made you decide to be a teacher?

A: I decided to become a teacher after I had my own three children. It was wonderful to see how quickly my own children grew and developed. I wanted to be part of that excitement in my professional career, too.

Q: What are you most looking forward to about retirement? Do you have any big plans?

A: My husband and I recently moved to Florida full-time after visiting four to five times a year. We live in a condominium community now, but hope to move to a house on a canal in the near future. I hope to spend lots of time swimming, boating, reading, relaxing and visiting with my children and grandchildren.

Q: What will you remember most about teaching?

A: I will remember most the support and encouragement I received every day from the administration, my colleagues and of course my students. The SES community has been like an extension of my family and I will miss the day-to-day contact with everyone.

Q: How would you

describe your time at

Brown County Schools?

A: My time at Brown County Schools has been one of support, encouragement and personal growth. Everyone has contributed to my personal journey of development in a positive way.

Q: What’s one piece of advice you’d give to a new teacher?

A: I would encourage new teachers to seek out help from anyone in their building. The school community is a very supportive group and anyone would be happy to help you.

Q: Is there anything else you’d like to add?

A: I’m looking forward to this next stage of my life. I want all of my colleagues to know that I will miss them dearly and wish them all the best.