Letter: Church group donates toward migrant relief

To the editor:

Last month I had the privilege of speaking to members of the Nashville United Methodist Church, the Green Room group. I had been asked to speak about the 10 days I had helped at Annunciation House, El Paso, a not-for-profit organization helping migrants who had legally crossed the border and were waiting to travel to family where they will await their court dates.

For over an hour, I answered questions and related tales of suffering and hope. I just want to thank all those who were there or heard about the topic. Their generosity raised over $1,000 and multiple boxes of donations. Thank you! Thank you! I can tell how much this money/donations will be welcomed.

If you need to know more, please contact: Annunciation House, 815 Myrtle Ave., El Paso, TX 79901, annunciationhouse.org.

Suzanne Kelly, Chicago and Nashville

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