Letter: Racism: When will ‘epidemic of ignorance’ stop?

To the editor:

An epidemic of ignorance has come to America, and we are ate up with it.

The social warriors have jumped on Kate Smith. They have smeared her as a racist. We must now dispose of her because she supposedly sang a racist song in her career. Never mind all the great things Kate Smith did for America such as her great effort in promoting the sale of war bonds in WWII and her visits to our armed forces to encourage them in our fight against Nazis, fascists and militarists.

By the way, for all you self-righteous Christians that don’t have a racist bone in your body, you have probably sung, “I Love Him,” a song that is set to the tune of “Old Black Joe” written by that “racist” Stephen Foster. Are you sure you aren’t a racist?

The song “God Bless America” is one of the most patriotic songs ever sung. It causes the tears to run from your heart to your eyes for the homeland to be protected by God. This song was written by Irving Berlin and given to Kate Smith to sing. So, now we must blackball Irving Berlin for giving a song to a racist singer.

On Oct. 26, 1982, President Ronald Reagan gave her the Medal of Freedom, the highest award that can be given to a civilian. He must be a racist, too. The New York Yankees have now decided not to use her rendition of “God Bless America” because she may have been a racist. When does it stop?

Abraham Lincoln is known for freeing the slaves, yet his idea of black people was the norm for that day. You would shocked if you knew some of the things he said, and I doubt this paper would print them. He must have been a racist, so we must destroy the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. Will the racism purge stop then?


James Brown, Spearsville Road