Letter: Where do the Democrats really stand on Israel?

To the editor:

Israel became a nation again in May of 1948 after two thousand years of not having a country of their own since Titus the Roman conquered them in A.D. 70. Their land in 1948 was occupied by the Arabs but under the control of England.

England gave the control of Israel back to the Jews, and they formed a government. President Harry Truman recognized them as a nation, and by the influence of the United States, the United Nations also recognized them as a country. They then were in a vicious fight with the Arabs for the land, and they prevailed.

In my years on this earth, I don’t ever remember an openly anti-Israel person being a member of Congress. Being a hater of Israel was a sure way of not being elected to the House or Senate. Now, we have four Democratic women in the House stirring up a lot of dust about Israel. The Democrats in the past gave wholehearted support to Israel in every way and received most of the Jewish vote. Now these women have turned the party upside down with little or no rebuke from their party. Were the Democrats really ever for the Jews anyway?

I wish some reporter would ask these anti-Israel women these questions: Do you believe the Holocaust ever happened? Did Hitler really exterminate 6 million Jews? Is the book The Protocols of Zion really true? Do you believe the messages preached by the so-called Rev. Farrakhan? Does Israel have the right to exist as a nation?

I can’t believe the media and the Democratic party are giving them such a slide. Why are Joe Biden and the long string of Democratic candidates not ripping into them?

Abraham had two sons: Ishmael from Hagar the bondwoman and Isaac from Sarah the free woman. According to II Chronicles 20:7, the land of Israel was given to the seed of Abraham, God’s friend, forever. Was the seed Ishmael’s or Isaac’s?

Genesis 25:5 says Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. The promise went on through Isaac to his successors in Exodus 33:1 when God tells Moses about the land God swore unto Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, saying, “unto thy seed will I give it.”

Joshua and the children of Israel went in and took the land in the years 1451-1427 B.C. In A.D. 70, they lost it. In 1948, they went in and took it again. God gave them the deed to that land by His word.

These four women of the House would like to see Israel disappear by whatever means. The founding and founders of America are discredited, ridiculed and discarded and are to be replaced by Socialist Islamism.

Remember, they are more committed to their cause than we are to ours.

Deeply concerned,

James Brown, State Road 135 North

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