Letter: Thank you, Clint, for organizing Septic Summit

To the editor:

When I first moved to Brown County seven years ago, I never thought about having to be responsible for my own water treatment facility and my own on-site waste disposal. But indeed, when my husband and I found the house of our dreams, the place where we could wake to the sound of birds and the rustle of wind in the trees, I learned that the pretty little pond was also our water source, and not too far away from that was the septic tank that would treat our waste.

Over the years I’ve learned many aspects of managing our water system and waste system, but in the Septic Summit Sept. 3, I learned answers to some of the questions I hadn’t even thought to ask about septic.

I want to extend a big, huge thank-you to Clint Studabaker for making this education opportunity possible. Clint is a member of the League of Women Voters Brown County (LWVBC) and has taken an active interest in watersheds and how to protect water cleanliness. He is teaching us how important septic system management is in this picture: protecting our watersheds and having a healthy community.

When Clint proposed a forum to help educate the Brown County community on septic systems, LWVBC was proud to be included among the groups to sponsor the event. But Clint is the true champion of this effort. He worked many months collaborating with state and local organizations and local septic professionals to bring together the right expertise to educate homeowners and answer questions.

For the time and effort Clint put in, you’d think this was a full-time job, rather than a volunteer with the passion to help the community. We want to recognize Clint for his dedication and success in providing this valuable education to Brown County. In addition, we want to thank all the sponsors including Brown County Soil and Water, Purdue Extension, IDEM, Brown County Health Department, the Brown County Regional Sewer Board and LWVBC.

If you missed the Septic Summit, or still want information, contact the supporting organizations or check out these resources online: Purdue Extension publication “Operating and Maintaining an Onsite Sewage System” at extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/HENV/HENV-107-w.pdf, and EPA publication “A Homeowner’s Guide to Septic Systems” at epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-06/documents/septicsmart_longhomeownerguide_english508_0.pdf.

Shari Frank, president, League of Women Voters Brown County

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