Poets Corner for week of Jan. 1


Raised two daughters

The best she could.

Voicing her opinion

For all to hear.

Never afraid to shed a tear.

Fell in love with a man

She knew, tied the knot

In early June.

Enjoyed life to the fullest

Until the day the lord came a calling

For her to come back home

Promising that she will

See us soon.

Look how beautiful the moon

Is tonight, my love.

— Jamie Robinson, Brown County, in loving memory of Jackie Robinson

Smoking Mirrors Hidden Fears

Our founding fathers

Foreseen these things

Which have been hidden

Before our very eyes.

No matter what party

We stand behind.

The papers inscribe,

The flag that fly high

In our sky,

Which we defend every

Day of our lives.

Must never be trampled

Upon our enemies held

At bay not believing

What they say.

We are strong as one

Aside we will surely

Not last this night.

— Jamie Robinson, Brown County

The Working Man and Woman

Heading out in the dead

Of night.

Long hours for little pay.

Aching, but knows

The bills won’t be paid

On their own.

A whistle blows,

From where, no one knows.

Lonely roads up ahead

Just glad to be heading home.

Does anyone truly

Appreciate what we done?

The Sun guides us home.

As cars pass by I wave,

Thanking them

Even if no one else do.

— Jamie Robinson, Brown County