Letter: Please close state parks for safety

To the editor:

Social distancing is not working.

The state park and town were full of people (April 3). You would think it was peak season with the amount of people that were out. My husband and I witnessed group after group of people not obeying the 6-foot rule.

We also checked out the license plates: Only 2-3 vehicles from Brown County, a lot from Johnson, Boone, Bartholomew, Marion, Hamilton, Lawrence, Monroe and even Clark County. This does not include the campers who come from near and far.

Visitors from other counties are increasing our risk in this community. We only have IGA, CVS and Family Dollar to shop from. Having the state park open is increasing our odds of contracting the virus while we are shopping, getting gas, and picking up carry-out at a restaurant, not to mention the employees who work at these establishments.

I strongly encourage our governor to close the state parks at this time. Please, for the safety of our community.

Shirley Lance, Brown County

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